

Requesting your response! Procurement Services Customer Satisfaction Survey

We are inviting each Iowa State University Faculty and Staff member to participate in a brief Customer Satisfaction Survey. Continue reading →


Preparing for Fiscal Year End

Preparations for fiscal year end have begun and Procurement Services would like to make sure you are aware of these upcoming deadlines. Continue reading →


Supplier Award Program Update

Nominations for the supplier awards program, created to recognize the extraordinary efforts of those suppliers that contribute to the mission of Procurement Services, closed on March 12. Continue reading →


Supplier Contract Renewals

We are approaching the end of the fiscal year and a busy time for Procurement Services.  Of nearly 4,000 supplier contracts (SCN), 40 percent of them renew on June 30th. Continue reading →


Helpful Links Added to Procurement Application in Workday!

The next time you log into Workday, click on the Procurement Application and check out the Help Documentation section in the column on the right! Continue reading →

 Card Services News

Monthly and Transaction Limits on Iowa State Credit Cards

Wondering what your monthly and/or transaction limit on your card is? Now you can view them in Workday!  Continue reading →


Tax Exemption and New Local Supplier Information 

Need tax exemption at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Menards, or Sam’s Club? How do you get tax exemption from other suppliers? Continue reading →


 cyBUY Corner

Midco and Zoetis now available on cyBUY!

Procurement Services is happy to announce that both Midco Global and Zoetis catalogs are now available on cyBUY!  Continue reading →


Staples Promotional Product Catalog Offer

Staples is currently offering 15% off cyBUY Staples Promotional Products Catalog Orders made between 4/19/21 and 4/23/21. Continue reading →


 Procurement Spotlight

Spotlighting Recent Successes – The newsletter section where we celebrate and share our collective successes!

Procurement Services has been working with Card Integrity to be able to provide CCMs and BUMs with additional P-Card and T&H Card information and an additional resource to look at overall spending and trends! Continue reading →


Staff Spotlight

Our Staff Spotlight this Newsletter is on Lisa Thomas and Jennifer Rogers! Continue reading →


← Newsletter Archives

Don't miss out on future newsletters and procurement news!

Sign up to be a part of the Procurement Information Network by clicking here. 


April 22 - cyBUY Amazon Business Registration

April 28 - Travel & Hospitality Card Orientation

April 29 - Purchasing Card Orientation

May 13 - Travel & Hospitality Card Orientation

May 15 - cyBUY Amazon Business Registration

May 25 - Purchasing Card Orientation

To sign up for training, go to Learn@ISU, sign in and search for Procurement Services. This is not an exhaustive list of training as new events are added a month in advance. 

Due to current events, all procurement orientations and training will be virtual.