Procurement Services holds a monthly drawing to show our appreciation for university employees who purchase through cyBUY. Out of the hundreds of orders placed each month, three shoppers are selected to receive a gift of appreciation. 

Thank you for your efforts to reduce administrative costs and create order volume to lower costs for Iowa State University.


cyBUY Drawing Winners

September 2024 Winners

Timothy Fencl, Logistics and Support Services

Nathan Grambau, Aerospace Engineering

Rahul Nelli, Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine

October 2024 Winners

Casey Griffin, ISU Bookstore

Brianna Jones, Veterinary Pathology

Adrian Angus, Recreation Services

November 2024 Winners 

Moneim Ismail, Microelectronics Research Center

Mikayla Showers, Logistics and Support Services

Mary Rothermund-Stamp, Animal Science

December 2024 Winners 

Michael Miller, Design

Shivani Choudhary, Biomedical Sciences

Michelle Grabosch, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

January 2025 Winners 

Linda K Young, Office of the Vice President

Janete Graff, Finance Extension

Shari Lynn Miller, School of Education


Thank you for using cyBUY!