Professional Services Contractual Agreement Request Form

Before completing a Professional Services Contractual Agreement Request form please visit the Contract vs Non-Catalog Requisition Decision Tree to determine if this is the correct request form for your purchase.

Please complete this form to provide us with the information we need to create a Professional Services Contractual Agreement. Once Procurement Services receives the completed form, a Procurement Agent will review the request and let you know if a non-catalog requisition is needed.

The types of purchases that require a Professional Services Contractual Agreements include: 

  • Examples include: Consulting, marketing analysis, banking services, medical services, physicians, software development/design, and auditing services.
  • Professional services are defined as unique, technical, and/or infrequent functions performed by an independent contractor qualified by education, experience, and/or technical ability to provide services. The services rendered are predominately intellectual in character, even though the contractor may not be required to be licensed. Professional services engagements may involve partnerships, corporations, or individuals.