Staff Spotlight
Our Staff Spotlight this newsletter is on Dustin Mohr and Kristie Romsdahl!
Dustin Mohr
Role in Procurement Services
I act as the Iowa State University Dining/Food Stores Liaison along with handing the purchases in the following commoditiy areas: Advertising, Appliances & Kitchen Equipment/Supplies, Athletic Equipment/Supplies/Services, Beverage Rights/Concessions/Vending, and Electronics.
Educational Background and Employment History
I graduated from Tipton High School in 1999 and obtained my Bachelors degree in Economics from the University of Iowa in 2003. Before starting at Iowa State in 2015, I was employed in the private sector where I served as Key Account Manager for Integrated DNA Technologies, as a Lead Purchaser for Access Systems, and as an Electronics Buyer for Innovative Lighting.
What do you like to do outside of work?
My time outside of work consists mostly of spending time with my family and coaching various youth sports that our kids are involved in. My wife, Briton, and I have been married for almost 11 years and have four kids (Ezra (9), Isaiah (7), Asher (5), and Johanna (3)). We enjoy taking bike rides at Ada Hayden, hiking at McFarland Park, and all activities outside. Golfing when the opportunity arises is both a fun and frustrating activity!

Kristie Romsdahl
Role in Procurement Services
I am the procurement agent who handles the agreements and purchases related to travel and hospitality. I look over all agreements having to do with any event being put on by Iowa State University, events planned while traveling, or any conferences being attended.
Educational Background and Employment History
I have a BS in English from Iowa State, with an emphasis in rhetoric. I was one of the last to graduate with my major, so you know it’s good! I also hold a minor in journalism.
As for employment, I have never used my degree for its intended purpose of a job in the communications world, but instead always found myself in the financial world, with a stint of optician work in between. I have been with Procurement Services for almost six years now, where I started as a Program Coordinator.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Anything but think about work!
What I like to do is probably slightly different than what I actually do outside of work. I would like to be able to read books and do a little writing, or perhaps go anywhere and be able to do so in peace, but my family doesn’t allow me to do such things! I have three children who keep me busy: Izak, who is almost 5; Konnor, who is 3.5; and Annika, who is 8 months. My husband, Erik, and I are always on the go, chasing those three, as well as our two cats!