Contracts by Commodity


Procurement Agent: Melissa Gruhn*
Product: Microscopes and Microscope Supplies
Contract Number: SCN-1008909
Address: 48 Woerd Ave
Waltham, MA 02453
Representative: Katie Fosher
Phone: 800-225-8330
Type of Contract: Contractual Agreement for Pricing Discount
Term of Contract: 02/01/2019 thru 02/29/2024

Contract Description:

ISU has established discounts for various teaching and research microscopes and accessories from Olympus America Inc.

How to do Business with Supplier:

Equipment items (unit cost over $5,000) should be directed to Procurement Services on a non-catalog requisition. The P-Card may be used for supply items. To receive correct discounts on supply items, please get quotes from associated sales representatives listed above.