P-Card Policy Change 11/10/2015

To clarify cardholder expectations for utilizing University contracts, internal resources such as Central Stores and using the cyBUY marketplace, the Purchasing Card Program Guide has been updated to make the policy clear. The new paragraphs are shown below. Please inform the cardholders in your department of the change in language. Any questions in regards to this policy or language change can be referred to interim director of purchasing Cory Harms at 294‐ 2591 or clharms@iastate.edu.

Cardholders are expected to purchase items that are stocked at University Stores whenever possible unless substantial savings can be realized through cyBUY or other University contracts. Items and services from vendors that hold competitively bid contracts with ISU (e.g. office supplies, computer items, scientific and research supplies, copiers, tent rentals, etc.) should be purchased on cyBUY or on the University contracts with the vendor rather than from vendors that compete directly with those contracts (see http://www.purchasing.iastate.edu/contracts/).

Vendors that compete directly with cyBUY vendors or University contracts should only be used after contacting the Purchasing Department (515‐294‐4860 or purchasing@iastate.edu) for approval.

The updated version of the Purchasing Card Program Guide may be found at http://www.purchasing.iastate.edu/forms/Cardholderguide.pdf.